We are a body company specializing in the manufacture of special mobile units dedicated to the audiovisual sectors, competition, environment, mobile homes, and a wide variety of products.
In TECNOVE CUSTOM TRUCKS, we are specialists in the manufacture of mobile units for the audiovisual sector, as well as the maintenance, conditioning, conservation, equipment and cleaning of our products. Given our extensive experience and close relationship with the client, we always assume the highest quality commitment in all bodywork, planimetry, installation and the implementation of the unit.
TECNOVE CUSTOM TRUCKS puts at your disposal an extensive experience in the field of body modification, conditioning, equipment and maintenance of mobile units for the motor racing field. We study our clients’ demands and design a customized vehicle in collaboration with our customers responding to the premises of functionality, safety, robustness and aesthetics of every project.
TECNOVE CUSTOM TRUCKS is specialized in the vehicle sector for the care and maintenance of the environment, offering several exclusive solutions to a growing sector with particular manufacturing needs. Tecnove Custom Trucks shows its commitment to the Environment specializing itself in the manufacture of goods and equipment for the collection and management of urban waste and road cleaning.
TRAINING WITHOUT BORDERS We set up mobile classrooms equipped with the most modern and adequate teaching aids so that no village from Spain miss the opportunity to train their people. In this way, we prevent the lack of means and training classrooms from being an added element which encourages rural exodus in search of new opportunities in large cities.
“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”
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Maintenance and After-Sales Service
Realizamos todos los trabajos de mantenimiento, conservación y limpieza, así como a suministrar los materiales necesarios para mantener en buen estado la unidad móvil durante el período de contratación del mantenimiento correspondiente, lo que se traduce en una mayor vida útil de nuestros productos. Mediante este nuevo servicio garantizamos en todo momento un perfecto mantenimiento, conservación y limpieza de las unidades móviles, llevándonos a ofrecer a nuestros clientes una mayor vida útil de las mismas.

En TECNOVE CUSTOM TRUCKS, realizamos proyectos de ingeniería para satisfacer las demandas de nuestros clientes en el campo de la carrocería de vehículos, cuidando los acabados exteriores y defendiendo los mínimos detalles de los interiores; adquiriendo a su vez un compromiso con la calidad, la innovación y la independencia. Invertimos en proyectos de I + D + I aportando soluciones diferenciales para mejorar nuestra cadena de valor, buscando en paralelo mejorar la vida de las personas.

Departamento 3D
Desarrollamos renderizados fotorrealistas de alta calidad y servicios de visualización 3D con calidad hiperrealista. Las imágenes en 3D son una herramienta eficaz que permite al cliente ver el exterior y el interior del vehículo de la misma forma que durante la fabricación.

Mantenimiento y Servicio Postventa
TECNOVE CUSTOM TRUCKS is committed to carry out all maintenance, conservation and cleaning work, as well as to supply the necessary materials to keep the mobile unit in good condition during the period of contracting the corresponding maintenance, which translates into a greater shelf life of our products. By means of this new service, we guarantee at all times a perfect maintenance, conservation and cleaning of the mobile units, leading us to offer our clients a longer life of the same.

In TECNOVE CUSTOM TRUCKS, we carry out engineering projects to meet the demands of our customers in the field of vehicle bodywork, taking care of exterior finishes and defending the minimum details of interiors; acquiring in turn a commitment to quality, innovation and independence. We invest in R + D + I projects providing differential solutions to improve our value chain, seeking in parallel to improve people's lives.

3D Department
We develop high-quality photorealistic renderings and hyper-realistic quality 3D viewing services.
3D imaging is an effective tool that enables the customer to view the exterior and interior of the vehicle in the same way as during manufacturing.
Contact us today
We will serve you with great enthusiasm and solve your doubts as quickly as possible.